Bullying & Suicide Awareness and Prevention
Bullying and Suicide awareness and prevention are important topics in every community. Awareness and prevention are addressed throughout the school year at every level. September is Suicide Prevention Month and October is Bullying Awareness Month. FCCPS school staff heighten awareness around these topics during this months . Below are examples of activities at the division level to support families, students, and staff.
Training for all administrators on the policies related to bullying and harassment
Bullying prevention and reporting requirements are reviewed with all staff in training each year
Resources and information are shared with the community via Morning Announcements
Each building has a full-time Behavior Specialist, School Social Worker, and a School Psychologist assigned to the school for support. Jessie Thackrey PreSchool and Mount Daniel Elementary share stadd.
Resources on both bullying and suicide prevention are shared with schools to support their work by school-based student services teams
The FCCPS Social Emotional Learning/Mental Health Continuum is shared widely
The division maintains a strong threat assessment process, which provides an immediate response when we learn that there is a concern of threat to self or others.
Division participation with the Fairfax/Falls Church Children's Services Act and Community Services Board
Annual School Board Resolution for Bullying Awareness Month and Suicide Prevention Month demonstrates a commitment to supporting student wellness