IA - Instructional Goals and Objectives
IAA - Notification of Learning Objectives
IC - School Year
IE - Moment of Silence
IEA - Pledge of Allegiance
IEB - National Motto
IEC - Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States
IGAE - Health Education/Physical Education
IGAE-R Recess for Elementary Students
IGAG - Teaching about Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco
IGAH - Family Life Education (FLE)
IGAI - Character Education
IGAK- Alternatives to Animal Dissection
IGAL/GBF/JHCF - Wellness
IGBA - Programs for Students with Disabilities
IGBB - Programs for Gifted Students
IGBD - Programs for Students with Reading Deficiencies
IGBF - Limited English Proficient Students
IIA - Instructional Materials
IIAA - Textbook Selection, Adoption, and Purchase
IIAB - Supplementary Materials Selection and Adoption
IIAE - Innovative or Experimental Programs
IIBEA/GAB - Acceptable Computer System Use
IIBEA-R/GAB-R - Technology Use Guidelines
IJ - School Counseling Program
IJD - College and Career Readiness
IKA - Parental Assistance with Instruction
IKEB - Acceleration
IKEB-R - Request to Expunge High School Courses Taken in Middle School - (English)
IKEB-R - Solicitud para Eliminar Cursos de Preparatoria Cursados en Secundaria - (Español)
IKF - The Virginia Assessment Program and Graduation Requirements
IKFA - Locally Awarded Verified Credits
IKH - Retaking SOL Assessments
IL - Testing Programs
IL-R - Testing Programs
INDC - Religion in the Schools