Registration Checklist

The following information is needed to complete the new student registration process.
Further details are on the Student Registration website.

Gather the following information and materials before beginning the registration process. All documentation must be received by the school PRIOR to the first day of student attendance.

Basic Information and Documentation

  • Parent email address 

  • Student demographic information

  • Credit card or bank account information for purchase of gym uniforms, field trips, yearbooks and donations to PTAs, Booster Clubs and Falls Church Education Foundation

  • All required registration documents should be scanned and submitted electronically  with the online registration form in Registration Step 3

Proof of Birth
Non-English documentation must be accompanied with a certified translation.
Required documentation includes:

  • Original Birth Certificate (copies are not accepted)

  • If a birth certificate is not available, an Affidavit Birth Certificate Form with substantiating documentation is required

  • The legal name of the student, exactly as shown on the original birth certificate, should be entered in the student record

  • Changes to an original birth certificate must be supported by a court document

Proof of Residency

  • Deed or Rental Lease for student’s place of residence

    • A family that is living in the residence of a friend/relative must provide the FCCPS Affidavit for Residency Form: (English), (Spanish), (Ukrainian).

      It must be completed by the student's parents and the homeowner and notarized. The homeowner/lease holder must also provide his/her lease or deed. 

  • Utility bill from Virginia Power, Fairfax Water or Washington Gas. Cell phone bills are not accepted.

Notes on Residency

  • Parents must notify the school when the home address changes, and must provide proof of the family’s new residence.

  • When families move out of Falls Church City, children are no longer eligible to attend any schools in FCCPS.

  • Physical presence of the parent or guardian in the residence of the child is required for enrollment in FCCPS.

  • A change in enrollment status may be necessary if a parent initially enrolls the student in FCCPS but then leaves Falls Church City while the child remains with another adult.

  • FCCPS may request additional information from parents or guardians to substantiate residency.

  • If a child has no regular, fixed residence but resides within the school division in a temporary shelter, institution, or place not ordinarily used as a residence, FCCPS may accept an alternative form of address that is considered appropriate by school officials. Check with the school social worker for additional details. 

Previous K-12 Academic School Records
Non-English documentation must be accompanied with a certified translation.
Required documentation includes:

  • Secondary transcript for students entering grades 6-12

  • A sealed official transcript for high school students in grades 9-12

  • Records from previous schools for elementary students

  • Previous course grades, up to the date of withdrawal

  • National, state, and standardized testing records (SOL, CogAT, NNAT, STAR, WIDA, and any others available)

  • Any ESOL, Gifted, SPED, or 504 records

  • Translated documents must be accompanied by the original document in the original language

Health and Immunization Records
Non-English documentation must be accompanied with a certified translation.
Students must have the following health and immunization records prior to enrollment in FCCPS:


Health Records

  • Commonwealth of Virginia School Entrance Health Form MCH-213 

  • Certificate of a physical examination completed by a licensed physician, licensed nurse practitioner or licensed physician's assistant within the twelve months prior to the date the child first enters a U. S. public kindergarten or elementary school

  • The physical examination report must be complete, including results of required screenings, and Certification of Immunization including complete dates (month, day, year)

Tuberculosis Screening

  • Tuberculosis tests must be officially documented

  • Negative PPD or negative chest x-ray within 90 days prior to registration for all students who have resided in a foreign country for five or more consecutive months over the last five years. To determine if your student needs a TB test see the  High TB Burden Country List 2022

  • Any positive PPD requires a negative chest x-ray

Middle School and High School families

  • Use the immunization record from the MCH-213 F, page 2 OR their doctor's version of an immunization record, which must be signed/stamped

Athletics Registration

Students who participate in athletics must complete Athletics Registration in order for students to play sports. The Meridian High School Athletics and Activities webpage includes detailed information. 

  • Virginia High School League (VHSL) physical examination form 

  •  Physicals for the 2023-24 Athletics season MUST be dated after May 1, 2023 to be accepted

  • To register for athletics, families must create an online Athletics Registration account

Free and Reduced Price Meals Applications
The FCCPS  Food Services website shows eligibility requirements.

  • To apply for free or reduced-price meals, households should fill out one application per household and return it to the school division.

  • Applications may be submitted at any time during the school year.

  • The information households provide on the application will be used for determining eligibility and verification of data. 

  • Eligible families should fill this application out to ensure they are covered for the next school year.

  • This is NOT part of registration but is needed for families to be included in this program. 

Applications open July 1 for the upcoming School Year 

  • For those enrolling for the start of the school year, applications are due at the end of September.

  • Previous year eligibility carries over into the new school year until October 1 every year.