6.1 - Philosophy - (Replaced by - IA - Instructional Goals and Objectives)
6.2 - Declaration of Non-Discrimination - Students with Disabilities - (Replaced by JBA - Section 504 Nondiscrimination Policy and Grievance Procedures)
6.3 - Character Education - (Replaced by IGAI - Character Education)
6.4 - Relations with Educational Accreditation Agencies(Replaced by LI - Relations with Education Accreditation Agencies)
6.5 - Class Size and Teacher Class Load - (Last Revised 11/13/12)
6.7 - School Library Media Program - (Last Revised 03/25/08)
6.7R - School Library Media Program - (Last Revised 06/14/10)
6.8 - Religion in the Schools - (Replaced by INDC - Religion in the Schools)
6.8R - Religion in the Schools - (Last Revised 04/10/02)
6.9 - Flags and the Pledge of Allegiance - (Replaced by IEA - Pledge of Allegiance)
6.10 - Minute of Silence - (Replaced by IE - Moment of Silence)
6.11 - Parental Assistance with Instruction - (Replaced by IKA - Parental Assistance with Instruction)
6.12 - Instructional Program and Curriculum - (Last Revised 04/12/11)
6.12R - Instructional Program and Curriculum: Approval and Modification - (Last Revised 08/29/01)
6.13 - Alternative Delivery of Instruction - (Adopted 03/22/11)
6.14 - Standards of Learning Testing and Graduation Requirements - (Replaced by IKF - The Virginia Assessment Program and Graduation Requirements)
6.14R - Graduation Requirements - (Last Revised 08/24/10)
6.15 - High School Credit - (Replaced by IKEB - Acceleration and IKF - The Virginia Assessment Program and Graduation Requirements)
6.15.1 - High School Credit: Locally Awarded Verified Credits - (Replaced by - IKFA - Locally Awarded Verified Credits)


6.17 - Textbooks and Instructional Materials - (Replaced by - IIA - Instructional MaterialsIIAA - Textbook Selection, Adoption, and Purchase and IIAB - Supplementary Materials Selection and Adoption)
6.19 - Challenge of Instructional Materials - (Last Revised 06/08/10)
6.20 - Controversial Issues - (Last Revised 03/25/08)
6.21 - Parental Involvement - (Last Revised 05/17/11)


6.22 - Summer School - (Last Revised 10/11/06)
6.22R - 
Summer School Reimbursement - (Last Revised 01/24/01)
6.23 - 
Homebound Instruction - (Last Revised 06/22/10)
6.24 - Program for Gifted and Talented Students - (Replaced by 
IGBB - Programs for Gifted Students)
6.24R - 
Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted - (Last Revised 07/23/13)
6.25 - Programs for Students with Disabilities - (Replaced by IGBA - 
Programs for Students with Disabilities)
6.25R - 
Special Education Procedures - (Last Revised 5/12/10)
6.26 - 
Career and Technical Education - (Last Revised 02/08/11)
6.27 - English for Speakers of Other Languages - (Replaced by IGBF - 
Limited English Proficient Students)
6.28 - Family Life Education (FLE) - (Replaced by 
IGAH - Family Life Education (FLE))
6.29 - 
Substance Abuse Prevention and Education - (Last Revised 03/25/08)
6.30 - 
Driver Training - (Last Revised 07/13/10)
6.31 - 
Adult Education - (Last Revised 02/08/11)
6.33 - 
Participation in the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology - (Last Revised 02/20/07)
6.33R - 
Participation in the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology - (Last Revised 07/08/03)
6.34 - Guidance and School Counseling Program - (Replaced by
IJ - School Counseling Program)
6.35 - 
Remedial Instruction Program for the Regular School Year and Summer School - (Last Revised 11/12/13)
6.35R - 
Remedial Summer School Program - (Last Revised 10/11/06)
6.36 - Child Study and Screening Process - (Removed 04/08/08)
6.36R - Child Study and Screening Process - (Removed 04/08/08)


6.37 - Student Course Load and Schedule - (Last Revised 02/08/11)
6.37R - Student Course Load and Schedule - (Last Revised 10/28/05)
6.38 - Student Trips - (Last Revised 03/25/08)
6.38R - Student Trips - (Last Revised 08/29/01)
6.39 - Outside Speakers - (Last Revised 03/25/08)
6.40 - Homework - (Last Revised 02/08/11)
6.41 - Testing Program - (Replaced by IL - Testing Programs)
6.41R - Testing Program - (Replaced by IL-R - Testing Programs)
6.42 - Student Evaluation/Grading and Reporting to Parents - (Last Revised 04/12/11)
6.43 - Participation in Surveys - (Replaced by JOB - Administration of Surveys and Questionnaires)
6.43R - Participation in Surveys - (Replaced by JOB-R - Information Required for the Approval of Surveys and Questionnaires )
6.44 - Promotion, Retention, and Acceleration - (Replaced by IKEB - Acceleration)
6.44R - Promotion and Retention - (Last Revised 07/28/10)
6.45 - Graduation Ceremonies - (Last Revised 02/08/11)