8.1      - Personnel Policies Goals - (now GA - Personnel Policies Goals)
8.2      - Professional and Support Staff: Definitions and Licensure - (now GC - Professional Staff and GD - Support Staff)
8.2.1R  - Professional and Support Staff: Definitions and Licensure (State Licensure Required) - (now GC - Professional Staff)
8.2.2R      - Professional and Support Staff: Definitions and Licensure (NCLB Act) - (now GC - Professional Staff)
8.3      - Employment of Family Members - (now GCCB - Employment of Family Members)
8.4      - Staff Recruitment and Hiring - (now GBN - Staff Hiring Procedures)
8.5      - Tuberculosis Testing - (now GBE - Staff Health)
8.6      - Effect of Criminal Conviction or Founded Complaint of Child Abuse or Neglect - (now GCDA - Effect of Criminal Conviction or Founded Complaint of Child Abuse or Neglect)
8.7      - Appointment and Reappointment - (now CF - School Building Administration)
8.8      - Personnel Records - (now - GBL - Personnel Records)
8.9      - Complaints Against Employees - (Last Revised 03/22/11)
8.10    - Acceptance of Employee Signatures and Records (Employees) - (now GEA/JOH - Acceptance of Electronic Signatures and Records)


8.18         - Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers - (now GCI - Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers)
8.19         - Staff Time Schedules - (Replaced by
GAA - Staff Time Schedules)
8.19R      - Staff Time Schedules / Building Hours / Lunch and Breaks / Calendars / Inclement Weather - (Replaced by
GAA-R Fair Labor Standards Act and Staff Schedules/Calendars/Inclement Weather)
8.20         - Fair Labor Standards Act - (Removed 2/9/2021)
8.20R      - Fair Labor Standards Act - (Replaced by
GAA-R Fair Labor Standards Act and Staff Schedules/Calendars/Inclement Weather)
8.21         - Workers' Compensation - (Replaced by 
Regulation GF-R - Workers' Compensation)
8.22         - Staff Salary Schedules - (now 
GCBA - Staff Salary Schedules)
8.22R      - Staff Salary Placements - (Replaced by
GCBA-R - Staff Salary Placements)
8.23         - Payroll Deductions - (Replaced by 
DLB - Salary Deductions)
8.23R      - Payroll Deductions - Benefits - (Replaced by
GCBC-R Payroll Deductions - Benefits)
8.25         - Expense Reimbursements - (Replaced by 
DLC - Expense Reimbursements)
8.26         - 
Substance Abuse Violations - (Last Revised 03/22/11)
8.27         - Tobacco and Tobacco Products - (Replaced by 
GBEC - Tobacco Products and Nicotine Vapor ProductsKGC - Tobacco Products and Nicotine Vapor Products, and JFCH - Tobacco Products and Nicotine Vapor Products
8.28         - 
Weapons - (Last Revised 03/22/11)
8.29         - Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting - (now 
JHG/GAE - Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting)
8.29R      - 
Child Abuse or Neglect - (Last Revised 05/28/04)
8.30         - Emergency First Aid/CPR and AED Certified Professional - (Replaced by
EBBA - Emergency First Aid, CPR, and AED Certified Personnel)
8.31         - Communicable Diseases and Blood Borne Pathogens - (Replaced by
EBAB - Possible Exposure to Viral Infections, EBBB - Personnel Training-Viral Infections, JHCCA - Blood Borne Contagious or Infectious Diseases, JHCC/GHCC - Communicable Diseases )
8.31R      - 
Communicable Diseases and Blood Borne Pathogens - (Last Revised 02/06/90)
8.32         - FCCPS Internet Safety and Acceptable Use of Electronic Media - (Replaced by 
IIBEA/GAB - Acceptable Computer System Use and GAB/IIBEA - Acceptable Computer System Use)
8.32R      - FCCPS Internet Safety and Acceptable Use of Electronic Media - (Replaced by
GAB-R/IIBEA-R - Technology Use Guidelines )
8.32.1      - Access to Employee Social Media Accounts - (Replaced by 
GAD - Access to Employee Social Media Accounts)
8.33         - 
Evaluation of Staff - (Last Revised 09/11/12)
8.34         - Suspension - (now - 
GCPF - Suspension of Staff Members)
8.35         - 
Probation and Dismissal - (Last Revised 11/12/13)
8.36         - Grievance Procedures for FCCPS Personnel - (Replaced by 
GBM - Professional Staff Grievances and GBMA - Support Staff Grievances)
8.36RA   - Grievance Procedures for Professional Personnel - (Replaced by 
GBM - Professional Staff Grievances)
8.36RAF - 
Statement of Grievance Forms Part II and Part III - (Last Revised 11/21/03)
8.36RB   - Grievance Procedures for Support Personnel - (Replaced by 
GBMA - Support Staff Grievances)
8.36RBF - Grievance Forms A, B and C - (Last Revised 11/21/03)
8.37         - 
Health & Life Insurance (Last Revised (06/22/10)
8.38         - Retirement - (Replaced by
GBO - Virginia Retirement System and GBOA - Falls Church City Retirement Plan)
8.39         - 
Local Retirement Plan - (Last Revised 02/08/11)
8.39.1R   - 
Transitional Retirement Plan - (Last Revised 02/08/11)
8.39.2R   - 
Retirement Investment & Savings Plan (RISP) - (Last Revised 02/08/11)
8.39.3R   - 
Tax Sheltered Annuities - (Last Revised 02/08/11)
8.40         - Pay for Unused Sick Leave - (Replaced by
GCBCA - Transferring Sick Leave and Pay for Unused Sick Leave)
8.41         - 
Staff Directories - (Last Revised 04/12/11)
8.42         - 
Staff Involvement in Decision Making - (Last Revised 04/12/11)
8.42.1R   - 
Professional Employees Advisory Committee (PEAC) - (Last Revised 07/01/14)
8.42.2R   - 
Support Employees Advisory Committee (SEAC) - (Last Revised 03/22/05)
8.42.3R   - 
Administrative Employee Advisory Committee (AEAC) - (Last Revised 03/01/04)
8.43         - 
Staff Member Acceptance of Gifts and Solicitations - (Last Revised 04/12/11)
8.44         - Staff Compensation Procedures - (Replaced by 
GBC - Staff Compensation Procedures)
8.45         - 
Hazard Communication: Materials Labeling and Staff Training - (Adopted 10/27/09)


8.50    - Professional Staff Members Probation and Continuing Contracts - (Last Revised 11/12/13)
8.51    - Staffing Standards - (Last Revised 05/17/11)
8.52    - Teacher Responsibilities - (Last Revised 05/17/11)
8.53    - Faculty and Staff Meetings - (Last Revised 05/17/11)
8.54    - Staff Development - (Replaced by GCL - Staff Development)
8.55    - Sponsorship of Student Activities - (Removed 5/9/2023)
8.56    - Extra-Pay-For-Extra Duty Contracts - (Replaced by GCBB - Supplementary Pay)
8.57    - Tutoring - (Replaced by - GCQAB - Tutoring for Pay and GCQAB-R - Tutoring for Pay)
8.58    - Non-School Employment by Professional Staff Members - (Replaced by GCQA - Nonschool Employment by Staff Members)
8.59    - Substitute Teachers - (Last Revised 07/13/10)
8.60    - Part-Time and Temporary Professional Staff Employment - (Last Revised 04/26/11)
8.61    - Reduction in Force: Licensed Personnel - (Last Revised 04/26/11)
8.61R - Reduction in Force: Licensed Personnel - (Last Revised 09/10/02)
8.62    - Resignation of Teachers - (now GCPB - Resignation of Staff Members)


8.68    - Support Staff Employment Status - (now GDB - Support Staff Employment Status)
8.69    - Aides, Paraprofessionals and Technology Assistants - (Last Revised 04/12/11)
8.70    - Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing for Holders of Commercial Driver's Licenses - (Replaced by GDQ - School Bus Drivers)
8.70F  - Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing for Holders of Commercial Driver's Licenses: Forms - (Last Revised 02/10/05)
8.70R  - Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing for Holders of Commercial Driver's Licenses - (Last Revised 02/10/05)
8.71    - Reduction in Force: Support Personnel - (Last Revised 04/26/11)
8.72    - Resignation of Support Staff Members - (now - GCPB - Resignation of Staff Members)
8.73    - Requirements for Bus Drivers - (Replaced by GDQ - School Bus Drivers)
8.74    - Lactation Support - (now - JHCL/GBEF - Lactation Support and GBEF/JHCL - Lactation Support)


8.78    - General Leave - (Replaced by GCBD - Staff Leaves and Absences)
8.78.1R - Sick Leave - (Replaced by GCBDA-R - Sick Leave)
8.78.2R - Personal Leave - (Replaced by GCBDA-R - Sick Leave)
8.78.3R - Annual Leave - (Replaced by GCBDB-R - Annual Leave)
8.78.4R - Administrative Leave - (Replaced by GCBDE-R - Professional Leave, GCBDG-R - Administrative Leave )
8.78.5R - RESERVED
8.78.6R - Religious Leave - (Replaced by GCBDA-R - Sick Leave, GCBDB-R - Annual Leave, GCBDI-R - Religious Leave)
8.78.7R - Jury Duty/Subpoenaed Witnesses - (Replaced by GCBDF-R - Court Related Leave)
8.78.8R - 8.78.9R - RESERVED
8.78.10R - Long-Term Medical Leave - (Replaced by GCBDC-R - Post Family Medical Leave)
8.78.11R - Child Care Leave - (Replaced by GCBDC-R - Post Family Medical Leave)
8.78.12R - Dependent Care Leave - (Replaced by GCBDC-R - Post Family Medical Leave)
8.78.13R - Leave of Absence - (Replaced by GCBDD-R - Leave of Absence)
8.78.14R - Leave Without Pay - (Replaced by GCBEA - Leave Without Pay)
8.78.15R - Bereavement Leave - (Replaced by GCBDA-R - Sick Leave)
8.79    - RESERVED
8.80    - Sick Leave Bank - (Last Revised 02/08/11)
8.81 - 8.87 - RESERVED
8.82    - Annual Leave - (Moved to 8.78.3R 02/08/11)
8.83    - Administrative Leave - (Moved to 8.78.4R 02/08/11)
8.84    - Compensatory Leave - (Moved to 8.78.5R 02/08/11)
8.85    - Religious Leave - (Moved to 8.78.6R 02/08/11)
8.86    - Jury Duty - (Moved to 8.78.7R 02/08/11)
8.87    - Subpoenaed Witnesses - (Moved to 8.78.7R 02/08/11)
8.88    - Military Leave and Benefits - (now - GCBEB - Military Leave and Benefits)
8.89 - 8.90 - RESERVED
8.91    - Family and Medical Leave - (now - GCBE - Family and Medical Leave)
8.91R - Family and Medical Leave - (now - GCBE - Family and Medical Leave)
8.92  - 8.95 - RESERVED
8.96    - Leave Without Pay - (Replaced by GCBEA - Leave Without Pay)
8.97    - Donated Sick Leave for Severe Illness of an Employee's Family Member - (Replaced by GCBDH-R - Donated Sick Leave for Severe Illness of an Employee's Family Member)
8.98    - RESERVED