Special Education Services in FCCPS

  • Comply with the provisions of IDEA of 1997 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997) and the IDEIA of 2004 (Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act of 2004)

  • Appropriately identify students with disabilities based on federal and state criteria

  • Provide high quality, specialized instructional programs utilizing supplemental materials and research-based strategies

  • Facilitate a collaborative team among parents, staff, and students to build a positive learning environment

  • Promote a strengths-based approach to build on success

  • Support the development of knowledge and skills to prepare students to be college-bound and/or career ready in the following areas: academics; social/emotional; behavioral; communication; fine and gross motor; organization; transition goals; and functional life skills

Early Childhood Special Education

Falls Church City Public Schools provides services to students children between the ages of 2-5 years who have been found eligible for special education and related services. Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) services are provided via the service team at Jessie Thackrey Preschool (JTP) and they are a vital component of the education system here in FCCPS. The team at JTP is dedicated to providing specialized support and tailored interventions for young children with developmental delays or other disabilities. 

JTP offers a continuum of special education and related services that target each child's specific needs, helping them reach critical developmental milestones. This support is provided in a variety of models including home based, itinerant, full inclusion, small group, individual, and specialized classroom instruction all based on the individual needs of the child as determined by the IEP team. The overarching goal of Early Childhood Special Education Services in FCCPS is to ensure that every child, regardless of their unique abilities, receives the early intervention and assistance necessary to thrive and build a strong foundation for future educational success.

Questions? Please contact Allison Klink, Director of Early Childhood (klinka@fccps.org

Virginia's Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS), Birth-Five Learning Guidelines - VA LEADS ECSE 

Early Childhood Special Education

In response to legislation passed by the Virginia General Assembly as well as feedback and collaboration with the field, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has released a Video Guide to the Special Education Evaluation Process for Families as additional guidance to support accurate and consistent eligibility determinations and access to special education services across school divisions. Video modules will provide parents, families, and other stakeholders with a brief but comprehensive overview of the special education process. Each module is designed to be viewed as a stand-alone resource or viewed in succession:

School Age Special Education

Special education and related services are provided in all FCCPS school buildings. Parents/guardians are key members of collaborative educational teams that determine eligibility for special education, as well as all decisions that are made related to special education and related services. The special education process is guided by state and federal regulations, FCCPS policies, and informed parental consent is required. Services are provided in both general education and special education settings. Inclusion opportunities and experiences with non-disabled peers are expected for all students in a way that meets their individual needs. Services are provided via partner teaching, co-teaching, small groups both in/out of the general education setting, and special classrooms. 

All FCCPS special education programs are supervised by the Special Education Administrator and the Principal of the building in which they are located, with support from the Special Education & Student Services Team. Some special classrooms focus on students on the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) program of studies. While others provide an adapted or modified curriculum based on the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP).  Each school based special education program is staffed with special education teachers, paraprofessionals, and supported by additional staff from the Special Education & Student Services Team, to include related service providers such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, school psychologists, behavior specialists, school social workers, and others. All FCCPS special education students are placed in the least restrictive environment based upon their personalized needs outlined on the IEP. Parental consent is required for the provision of special education and related services. 

Questions? Please contact the Special Education Administrator at each school.

Mount Daniel Elementary School:    Grades K-2:           TBD 

Oak Street Elementary School:   Grades 3-5:  Jennifer McCormack (mccormackj@fccps.org)

Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School:      Grades 6-8:  Brittney Allen-Shaw (allenshawb@fccps.org

Meridian High School:   Grades 9-12: Shakita Fox-Billingslea (foxbillingsleas@fccps.org