Under the auspices of the Chief Operating Officer, the School Board approves the use of school buildings for an Extended Day Care Program outside of regular school hours during the public school year. The program is available to all school-age students (grades K-5) who reside in the City of Falls Church or who are enrolled in a public or private school in the City of Falls Church. The Superintendent, in consultation with the Extended Day Care Advisory Board, will issue a regulation which defines eligibility priorities and adopts administrative procedures for the program.
At Mount Daniel and Ok Street, enrollment in the school year day care program is available for families where parents qualify under the following criteria. For each household, the single parent or each parent (if two) must meet at least one of the following conditions. The term parent includes guardians and foster parents.
Working: The child’s parent is gainfully employed, including self-employed, and works outside the home or from the home a minimum of 30 hours/week during day care program hours. Working includes a period of time when the parent of a family already enrolled in day care has been involuntarily separated. The child(ren) may remain in the program for a period not to exceed eight weeks from the date of the involuntary separation and the family may apply for reduced fees if they qualify.
Studying: The child’s parent is enrolled full-time in a technical training school, community college, four-year college or university or other educational program which requires participation and/or preparation during day care program hours.
Training: The child’s parent is registered in a course or courses to acquire specific job-related or other skills which require participation and/or preparation during day care program hours.
Disabled: The child’s parent is disabled as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and federal regulations. Under the ADA’s definition of “disability” a person is disabled if s/he has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities or is regarded as having such impairment.
Eligibility may be met by a combination of these criteria totaling at least 30 hours per week for full time care during program hours. Admission to the program may be granted for FCCPS families verified as homeless and referred by the Student Services office. Such admission will be determined by the Day Care Director.
The Day Care staff will require documentation to verify program eligibility and information submitted in the registration materials if information provided is incomplete, inconsistent with other documents, incorrect or ambiguous. This documentation may include such items as: proof of residency, proof of employment; transcripts or school registration documents; DMV disabled parking permit, doctor’s verification or insurance carrier confirmation of disability.
The Day Care staff will require documentation to verify program eligibility and information submitted in the registration materials if information provided is incomplete, inconsistent with other documents, incorrect or ambiguous. This documentation may include such items as: proof of residency, proof of employment; transcripts or school registration documents; DMV disabled parking permit, doctor’s verification or insurance carrier confirmation of disability.
Each family will be required to certify that they meet eligibility criteria by signing the following statement:
I certify that the parents/guardians of the registered student(s) meet the eligibility requirements for the Extended Day Care Program. I understand all parents/guardians may be required to furnish eligibility evidence at any time to ensure that the requirements are met. I understand that giving inaccurate or erroneous information may result in the loss of Day Care services. I will notify the Extended Day Care Program office within 10 days if any information changes.