Before School Program

7 am until school begins, Monday-Friday.

After School Program

School dismissal until 6:30 pm (including early release Wednesdays) , Monday-Friday. FULL TIME CARE IS THE ONLY AFTER SCHOOL OPTION.

Before School Add-on use

Families active in After School Day Care may occasionally add before school use with 24 hour advance notice if space is available and for an extra fee which will be billed on a subsequent monthly invoice.    This option is not available if the program has a waitlist. This option is not available on mornings when school opening is delayed due to weather.

Inclement Weather Coverage

When schools are closed due to inclement weather, Day Care is also closed. When schools close early due to inclement weather the Extended Day Care programs will provide coverage for children enrolled and attending the Day Care Program, until all children are picked up. However, late pickup fees will apply regardless of weather conditions. Parents will be notified via email if the Extended Day Care programs close early due to deteriorating weather conditions.

School Closings- (Full Day option) for scheduled school breaks

For FCCPS school Teacher Workdays, Winter and Spring break, the Day Care Program is open from 7:00- am - 6:30 pm.  There is a separate registration form and additional fees for these days. Registration for these days begins approximately four weeks in advance and closes one week before. Families must be active during the special registration period as well as during the time of actual attendance.

Inactive Children/Families

Families are either active or inactive from the program.  Families can choose to withdraw their child(ren) at any time.  However, fees will be assessed if the required notice is not given. Families wishing to re-enroll during the school year must ensure previously submitted registration information is up-to-date, pay a registration fee each time a child is re-enrolled and pay one full month’s fee regardless of re-registration date. Space is not guaranteed.