Family Life Education Program
The Falls Church City Schools Family Life Education (FLE) Program is designed to meet the desires of the Falls Church community regarding the appropriate content and sequencing of Family Life instruction for students in grades K-12. The program is seen as a partnership among parents, teachers, and the community, joining together to actively encourage students to decide to live healthy, responsible lifestyles. As in all school programs, the Family Life Education Program will ensure that ethical qualities such as mutual respect, fairness, and honesty are developed and expected.
Discussion Topics
Family living and community relationships
The value of postponing sexual activity until marriage
Human sexuality
Human reproduction and contraception
The etiology, prevention, and effects of sexually transmitted diseases
Stress management and resistance to peer pressure
Development of positive self-concepts and respect for others, including people of other races, religions, or origins
Parenting skills
Substance abuse
Child abuse
Appropriate use of electronic and communication devices, including text messaging, instant messaging, and social networking websites
Principles of the Program
All human beings have worth and dignity
Love, respect, and commitment among human beings are to be cherished
Understanding and acceptance of others, regardless of their race, religion, or individual differences, are fundamental to a democratic society
Communication and cooperation among individuals are essential to positive relationships in the family and society
The family is the basic human community through which persons are nurtured and sustained in mutual love, responsibility, respect, and fidelity
Human sexuality is a natural part of our lives
Abstaining from sexual intercourse until adulthood is consistent with the law of Virginia, and helps provide a foundation for a healthy emotional and physical adult life
Parenting is a responsibility which requires time, skills, and commitment in helping children develop into caring, productive adults
Goals of the Program
Promoting physical and emotional wellness among students and encouraging them to avoid destructive behavior
Conveying accurate knowledge and information to students
Promoting positive feelings about self among students
Helping students to accept responsibility for their own decisions and behavior
Providing information regarding federal, state, and local laws concerning sexual conduct and the use of alcohol and drugs
Maintaining clear communication between teachers and parents about the program
Helping students understand the relationship between a healthy family and a healthy society
Presenting perspectives and information about human sexuality without advocating or denigrating individual beliefs or encouraging students to share private family or personal matters
Benefits of abstaining from premarital sexual intercourse
Parents and guardians have the right to review the Family Life Education Program offered by the Falls Church City Schools, including written and audio-visual educational materials used in the program. Parents and guardians also have the right to excuse their child from all or part of family life education instruction. Students who do not receive the FLE instruction will be provided alternative health instruction.
While parents/guardians may opt their child out of formal FLE instruction, teachers cannot be held responsible for spontaneous questions from students that may pertain to subjects previously discussed. Neither can a teacher be held accountable for discussions of sensitive topics that occur among students outside class. Every effort will be made to ensure that students understand and respect family choices in this matter to avoid undue peer pressure.
The Virginia Family Life Education Guidelines and Standards of Learning (revised September 2022) may be downloaded or reviewed at the link below:
Virginia Standards of Learning 2022 (K-12) for Family Life Education
Staff Contacts
William Bates
Chief Academic Officer
Julie Macrina
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Mount Daniel Elementary School
Jed Jackson
School Counselor
Michelle Goldberg
School Counselor
Julie Huber
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Oak Street Elementary School
Yolanda Adams
School Counselor
Michelle Goldberg
School Counselor
Nathan Greiner
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Julie Huber
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School
PJ Anderson
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Mark Coffren
Health and Physical Education Teacher
PE Collaborative Teacher Leader (6-12)
Jessica Piscopo
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Tara Filmyer
School Counselor
Laura Siminski
School Counselor
Aliyah Williams
School Counselor
Meridian High School
Mark Coffren
Health and Physical Education Teacher
PE Collaborative Teacher Leader (6-12)
Chris Capannola
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Courtney Gibbons
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Tia Moore
Health and Physical Education Teacher