Focus Area: IB Infused Teaching and Learning

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FCCPS will provide all students, PreK-12, opportunities for growth and agency within the International Baccalaureate (IB) infused curriculum. Using research-based instructional best practices and an inclusive global lens, educators will provide choice and actively engage students in learning and service.

KEY ACTION: Develop curriculum and resources that are representative of the global community so that every student is fully included and engaged in the learning process, learns empathy, and achieves at their highest potential.

2022 Research
2023 Development
2024 Implementation
2025 Review & Refinement
2026 Embedded

Success Looks Like This

Year One (2022-23) and Year Two (2023-24)

In progress Logo

FCCPS will ensure that there are clear examples of connections to local and global contexts in the curriculum.


  • Through Language and Literature classes, students are exposed to literary and non-literary texts with a variety of perspectives reflecting race, gender, nationality, and language.

  • In K-12 language acquisition classes, students learn both language and the cultures in which that language is spoken.

  • In Individuals And Society classes, students analyze the past through primary and secondary sources to understand the past and present lived experience of peoples of various backgrounds.

In progress Logo

By June 2024, FCCPS Inclusive Local History pilot program will be ready to extend to the full curriculum.


  • In Fall 2022 coordinator began developing framework for K-12 embedded local history curriculum across all disciplines.

  • In Winter 2023 recruiting employees for curriculum-writing positions over the summer.

  • In Spring 2023 curriculum writers onboarded and are working with pilot teachers to write and implement the curriculum in Fall 2023.

  • In Fall 2023 pilot teacher and curriculum writers worked with local experts to provide initial local history lessons.

Evidence and Performance Metrics

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