On October 27th, the School Board agreed to new methods to enable greater public participation in Board meetings while taking appropriate health and safety precautions in light of the ongoing pandemic. These new steps are planned to take effect starting with the Board’s November 10th meeting, and may be updated as conditions warrant.
The Board will hold meetings and work sessions at the Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School cafetorium. Board members and staff will participate in hybrid mode, with some present in person and others participating electronically. Meeting notices will be posted on the FCCPS Web site, agendas will be available in advance on BoardDocs, and meeting streams and recordings will be available via www.youtube.com/fccpsorg.
The Board welcomes written comments for both meetings and work sessions. Written comments should be emailed to School Board Clerk Marty Gadell at gadellm@fccps.org. Comments received by 10 AM EST on the day of a meeting or work session will be posted to Boarddocs. Written comments will not be read into the record.
Individuals wishing to make live public comment virtually or in person during Board meetings, and any individuals wishing to attend a meeting or work session in person, must register in advance by emailing School Board Clerk Marty Gadell at gadellm@fccps.org. In your email, please provide your name, address, and contact information; state whether you wish to make public comment virtually or in person; and state whether you wish to attend the meeting in person. Registration will close at 5 PM EST on the business day before the meeting.
The first 10 individuals who indicate they wish to speak at a meeting will receive email with a speaker number and information to access the meeting. Individuals will speak in the order of their speaker number. The Board will receive comments for up to 30 minutes, or until all registered speakers have been heard, whichever comes first. In accordance with School Board Policy BDDH, each speaker will be limited to three minutes. The Board will not receive live public comment during work sessions.
The first 10 individuals who indicate they wish to attend a meeting or work session in person may attend, subject to the following. Attendees must arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. All attendees will have their temperature taken, and only pre-registered attendees whose temperature measures below 100.4 F may attend the meeting. Attendees must wear face coverings at all times when inside the building and remain at least 6’ away from all other attendees.