FCCPS Graphic

On Tuesday evening, the Falls Church School Board unanimously approved its Advertised Budget for the 2020-2021 school year. Reflecting an investment in our students, our staff, and our schools, the budget includes a step increase for eligible employees, and a 1% Cost of Living Adjustment for all FCCPS staff members.

The $54.6 million budget, which now heads to the City Council for approval, falls within the 3.1% Budget Guidance (for the second year in a row) and requires a City appropriation of $44.6 million. The approved Budget motion also includes the addition of 50 percent of any additional general government tax revenue above last December's projections.

The School Board also approved a Food Service budget of $1.1 million, and a Community Service Fund Budget in the amount of $2.4 million.

Here’s what’s included in the School Board's FY 21 Advertised Budget:

  • A Step increase for eligible staff

  • A 1% Cost of Living Adjustment for ALL FCCPS staff.

  • An additional IB Middle Years Programme coordinator (1 each for MEH and GM)

  • A Pre K-12 English/Language Arts coordinator to support teachers and students

  • One Social Worker to support student’s emotional health and well-being

  • Increasing the Clinic Aide/Office Staff position at Jessie Thackrey to full time.

  • Three new custodial positions to help maintain the additional square footage of the new high school, which, this time next year, will be open and running.

FY 2021 Budget Development Calendar

  • March 9 - City Manager's Budget Presentation

  • March 17 - City Council Budget Work Session

  • March 23 - City Council's First Public Hearing of the Budget Ordinance

  • April 13 - City Council's Second Hearing of the Budget Ordinance

  • April 27 - City Council's Adoption of the Budget Ordinance ( including school transfer)

  • May 5 - School Board Public Hearing, Budget Work Session, and Adoption of the FY 2021 Budget

Everything collected throughout this process - budget documents, Questions & Answers, and videos of all meetings, will be found at our FCCPS Budget Development Web page.  Or just search “Budget” on our website.